How to order:
With a weekly menu, Delmues Delightful Goods has a good variety of treats ranging from 3$ to 11$ based on what you get. You can order off of the instagram page bio @delmuesdelightfulgoods where you fill out a form in four easy steps.
- Create your order from the order form of the week!
- Communicate when and where you want to pick up your food
- Pick up and pay for your food on the delivery date
- Enjoy!
Izzie has always loved baking throughout her life and always brought things to school and given them to her friends.
“I’ve always found recipes and I’ve wanted to give them to people, so I found a way I could do that through FFA and start making money off what to do so I could keep doing that … I also want to own my own bakery one day so this brought a nice start where I could gain experience and make mistakes earlier to have a more successful business in the future”
With a dream of one day opening her own bakery, Delmue uses Instagram to advertise her baked goods. She designs her posts using Canva, which is free and has some attractive looking templates that she uses. Canva is an online website that is easy to use and convenient for new business owners and entrepreneurs.
On average Delmue spends between five and six hours baking orders and an hour creating and designing her posts for her business. Delmues Delightful Goods has a weekly menu of items to choose from with cookies being between $3-$5 and on occasion a specialty bread, where you can buy a slice or a loaf for a reasonable price.
“Almost every week I buy something from her,” said freshman Mallery Maxwell, “The price for her items is reasonable and cheap, so it’s easy for students to afford.”
“I like that she switches up her menu every single week and has something new for everyone and even has things for people that are gluten free or allergic to anything,” Maxwell noted
Along with her own business Delmue does many other things such as playing soccer for Placer Hillmen, 49’er united soccer, sophomore representative for Key Club and is Placer High Schools historian for the FFA chapter. This is where Delmue has her SAE for her baked goods.
SAE stands for Supervised Agricultural Experience and there are four categories of SAE; Entrepreneurship, Exploratory, Research and Placement. Delmues Delightful Goods falls under the entrepreneurship category.
Delmues favorite item to make is her cookies because she has the most experience with baking them and her favorite treat to eat that she has made are her S’mores cookies. She started her small business in early September with help from close friends and family.
While many people agree that the prices for all of Delmues products are reasonable there are a few that don’t agree. Placer junior, Asha Schamber says she “could find the same products for a cheaper price elsewhere but thinks that the quality of these products won’t be as good as they would be if they were made by Izzie.”