TheUnited Stateswas founded on democracy and equality, and yet there are thousands of informed, passionate people who still can’t vote. Anyone under the age 18 cannot vote, and the voting age needs to be lowered to 16 so that young people can help decide the leaders who will tax us, represent us, and create laws that we have to follow.
In this year’s election, I noticed that my peers and I were beginning to keep an ear in politics; we were doing our best to remain objective, researching topics, taking a side and speaking up about it. Is this not whatAmericaexpects from mature voters? As teenagers, many students did their best to influence the vote, even if it did not mean voting. Many students were staying informed and up to date, and speaking out to voters that they knew, hoping that the vote would turn out their way. I am done hoping. I want the vote.
“Lowering the voting age is the just, fair way to set things straight,” said the National Youth Rights Association.
Taxation without representation is the very issue that caused many Americans to revolt againstEnglandduring the revolutionary war. People were tired of being taxed when they had no say in how much money or what it would be for, and yet, theUnited Statesis facing this very issue today. Teenagers pay a lot of taxes, even with no representation.
“Teens pay an estimated $9.7 Billion dollars in sales taxes alone,” said the National Youth Rights Association.
This isn’t even to mention the money paid every year on income taxes.
“You may be a teen, you may not even have a permanent job, but you have to pay taxes on the money you earn,” said the IRS.
According to the National Youth Rights Association, as many as 80% of high school students are employed before graduation. All of this income is taxed federally and by the state, adding up to large sums of money taken out of each and every paycheck.
“The just power of government comes from the consent of the governed, as it stands now youth are governed (overly so, some may say) but do not consent. This is un-American. Like all tax-paying, law-abiding Americans, youth must be given the right to vote,” said the National Youth Rights Association.
In less than two years, many Placer students will be adults. We will have to abide by the laws set by our current president and pay his taxes, even if we had no say in his election. If we are going to be adults during someone’s presidency, should we not have a say in who is elected?
“I will be affected by this president for three years of my adulthood, so I should have had a say in the vote,” said senior Lela Scott.
It is in my opinion that theUnited Statesneeds to lower the voting age to 16, because I am done hoping that politics will turn out my way. I want a say in the happenings of my country, of my state, and of my life.